3M™ Organic Vapour Monitor 3501+, High Sampling Rate, 5 ea/Case

Cikkszám: 7100249097
plusz az aktuális ÁFA. Árak plusz szállítási költségek
  • Minimális rendelési mennyiség 5 darab
  • Rendelési lépések: 5 darab
érdeklődés szerint
Szállítás 2-3 héten belül
{0} darabszám azonnal szállítható
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Azonosító számok és osztályozások

Cikkszám 7100249097
EAN / GTIN 50638060431486
Gyártó száma 7100249097
L-szám L01110 781



3M™ Organic Vapour High Sampling Rate Monitor 3501+ is a cost-effective and convenient way to perform personal air sampling for low levels of organic vapours and short term exposure limit (STEL) sampling. It is easy to use - clip it to your shirt lapel, collar, or pocket without interfering with your work activities. No batteries, hoses or pumps or needed to use the monitor to sample your air.


State of the Art Monitor Design
Simple, cost-effective and convenient
Highest diffusive sampling rate available for monitoring low contaminant levels and STEL sampling
Easy to use. Just clip the monitor to shirt lapel, collar, or pocket
Unobtrusive. Monitors are small and lightweight and will not interfere with employee activities
Documentation for industrial hygienists and IH labs available upon request
A valid method for air sampling and analysis of low level and short-term monitoring
Analysis is not included

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