3M™ Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 982C, 125 mm x 22 mm, 36+, Slotted

Cikkszám: 7100032337
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Technikai adatok

Termék fajtája Fíber tárcsa

Azonosító számok és osztályozások

Cikkszám 7100032337
EAN / GTIN 04046719889624
Gyártó száma 7100032337
L-szám L51710 155



3M Precision Shaped Grain technology cuts exceptionally fast with less pressure, outperforming all conventional ceramic industrial abrasive discs
Lasts up to twice as long as conventional discs
Get significantly longer disc life, completing more parts per disc with fewer disc changes required
With triangular shaped ceramic grain that wears evenly, runs cool and optimises mineral breakdown
Durable and tear resistant with a stiff fibre backing and strong resin bond for high pressure weld grinding and bevelling


3M™ Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 982C outperforms conventional ceramic industrial abrasive discs. Our discs feature 3M Precision Shaped Grain technology, offering up to twice the cut rate, durability and lifespan of conventional discs with less grinding pressure required.


Minimise operator fatigue with 3M Precision Shaped Grain reducing grinding pressure
Requires less printing and provides greater working comfort
Has a self-sharpening effect
Good anchoring of ceramic grains
High removal rates
Cool grinding
Actively supports the high-performance abrasive grains


Use for high pressure weld grinding, edge chamfering and bevelling
Remove carbon steel welds, mill scale, pits and imperfections and machining grooves
For grinding and blending large and small areas of metal surfaces
Use with 3M High Performance Back Up for ultimate speed and performance

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